


We are a worshipping community. Gathering in worship gives us the opportunity to hear God speak to us through scripture and relevant preaching. In song and prayer we speak to God, deepening our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our worship is a blend of contemporary language and songs with timeless form, hymns, and biblical language. The second Sunday of every month is Praise Sunday, led musically by guitar, other instruments, and vocalists. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the second and fourth Sundays of the month and on all festival Sundays. Everyone is welcome in God’s house and at the Lord’s table! Come, now is the time to worship!


Faith Alive! (not currently meeting)

It all began when... Vacation Bible School in July 2016 titled “Faith Alive!” was a success! We had 21 participants and student helpers throughout the week experiencing God’s work through bible stories, games, activities, and crafts. “Faith Alive!” continues as an education hour before worship at 9:00 am with a bi-monthly intergenerational activity, Confirmation on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm and special scheduled events for all ages. You are invited to join us, as we learn together, our role in God's great story. We are all family, brothers and sisters through faith, in Jesus Christ! Thanks be to God!

Circle of Faith

Circle of Faith welcomes all people who desire to live out their baptismal calling in service to their neighbor. Jesus tells us that everyone is our neighbor and we live into his call through providing free monthly community meals, community welcome baskets, Easter basket meals, sponsoring a prayer shawl ministry of hope and comfort, hosting a community Christmas craft fair, and other assistance to community members. We serve within the church in assisting with Worship and Music projects, Faith Alive! events, and the Property Team. Come! See! Join us in joyfully serving our Lord!